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Trading Cards sammeln - Foren, Gruppen und Mailinglisten

Dazu finden auf den folgenden Seiten Trading Cards-Sammler Foren, Gruppen und Mailinglisten zum Thema Trading Cards sammeln.

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Bowman Baseballcard von 1951 #12
Wert in Erhaltung NrMt etwa 20 US $
Mehr zu Sport Trading Cards

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neu Football_Champions
This NewsGroup is a non-official free Group for the new trading card game "Football Champions". At the moment there are 3 sets of the European top leagues (Italy, England & France) availiable. We collect and exchange information about the cards, new sets and a lot of more. You could find lists of the sets on our homepage. Here you could find other collectors for exchange of cards and can communicate with other player. Your are welcome to join our group.

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